Petzlife oral spray is an invaluable aid to oral health in dogs and cats. My clients find that with regular use their pets’ breath smells fresher, teeth are whiter, gums are healthier and plaque levels are dramatically reduced, even without brushing the teeth. Clients find it easy to use, and love the fact it is a natural, chemical free product.’
Richard Allport, BVetMed, MRCVS
Natural Medicine Centre
11 Southgate Road
Potters Bar
I’ve attached a picture of my Bernese Mountain Dog, Lucia, smiling because I haven’t brushed her teeth in over a month.
PetzLife dental care for dogs is effortless, easy and works –
My little Maltese, above, has beautiful, sparkling white teeth.
Thank yo/,u for such a Great product.
Rita Montgomery

I have started to write you at least 20 times and keep getting pulled away. However I am glad that this happened. Now let me tell you why. I have already come to the conclusion that your Oral Care Products are the best! I have used Petrodex and Tropiclean, along with many others. I have been grooming for over 10 years…. I absolutely love my job as a mobile groomer. But, I have a client that I groom who has open tumors everywhere. There is one right on his mouth and I am telling you it is awful. The owners have tried literally everything to cut the smell. I got there and the smell was way worse then normal, I was gagging. First thing I did was spray PetzLife in his mouth!!!! I honestly didn’t expect much, but thought the minty smell would do something. I continued to groom him and after about 30 minutes it dawned on me that I was working right by his mouth and wasn’t about to get sick. Yes, it was that bad. The difference was awesome. I knew it had to be the PetzLife, I couldn’t have become immune to the smell that quickly so I did ask the owner if they noticed a difference, they did and were astounded. I know that a picture is worth a thousand words, however I wish there was a way to gauge the smell before and after. It was truly amazing. Thank You Very Much!!! I love how fast and effective your oral care products work and now I will try all your products, because obviously you have products that truly work. Every Groomer should be introducing their customers to your fantastic Holistic PetzLife Oral Care!
Dear PetzLife,
My dog Angel is a Border Collie and Golden Retriever mix. She is now 8 years old. Two years ago she had serious teeth and gum problems, she was diagnosed with gingival hyperplasia. She immediately was treated with antirobe and Citro plus C.E.T. For brushing….none of these worked. I also tried chlorhexidine gluconate from my dentist out of desperation. Angels’ problem only worsened.
On a visit to Petsmart a ver knowledgeable employee listened to my problem and recommended PetzLife, I did not believe her, however, I was so desperate I decided to try the product……
After two weeks there was an significant improvement, our veterinarian was so surprised, her teeth and gums showed no sign of the disease after 2 months of using the product.
I faithfully brush Angels teeth every day with PetzLife, she loves the taste and she looks forward to having her teeth brushed. With so many products on the market that never work, it is refreshing and rare to find a product that works so well as PetzLife.
I cannot thank you folks at your company enough for prolonging my dogs life and preventing her from suffering, and for the security of knowing Angels’ mouth is now healed and healthy.
Sincerely yours,
Carole Morrell and “Angel”

Thank you so much!!!